Stephanie Wang

Fourth Year | Communication Design

The Technology U + I Can('t) Reach Tech Fair! | Fall 2021


Overall, in this section the Currents class I learned a lot about how technology can influence the way we view the world as well as how much the impact of design has on our everyday decisions. Our senses and own experiences or memories can be viewed as something interactive a user can experience whether it be through coding or a new innovative form of technology. Going forward, I hope that as a designer I can continue to apply these skills I've learned into my own practices.

Metaphor of Choice For Using Technology

Technology is like space, wide open for never ending developement and discoveries of the unknown.


Computer Built for Artists

Speculative Computer

For this project I had focused on creating a computer specifically made for artists. I made it touch screen, portable; with the option to share creations with other users in a gallery space. There would be a wrist rest and the monitor would curve inwards to allow the user to see the screen in a more surrounded, comfortable and intimate way.

After reading the required readings, I reiterated the computer to include more animation and interactive elements as well as taking into consideration the user's level of comfort while using the computer, because the way humans are built have a lot to do with our grip, fingers, wrist and how we use things as simple as a doorknob or opening a jar.

Link to the Full Presentation

Using Google Docs as Design

Synthesiac Software & Peripheral

This project allowed me to rethink the ways that we use computer programs, especially the mundane ones that for things such as work documents or writing papers for school. It allowed me to look at interactions differently and combine different elements and areas together that I haven't thought about before.

For this project, I used Google Documents as my medium and created various designs by using different colors, glyphs, and sizes. By doing so, I was allowed to view Google Docs as a program that doesn't have boundaries of just existing as a space to write papers, but also to create colorful artwork and typography.

Link to the Full Presentation

First Day of School

My Networked Identity

Reading "Glitch Feminism" inspired me to think about my own experiences in present day society as an Asian American woman. Using coding I created a website where I tried to recreate my first day of school this semester; where I was sexually assaulted on the subway. I wanted to portray the feelings as well as the misogny that I, as well as many other women experience on a daily. By using hyperlinks, color, and background video, and font choice, and I wanted to try and immerse the user into my personal experience as much as possible. Using quotes and checkboxes I tried to show the satrical way of the trauma that I experienced, but also convey the message of how things really were. Users can hover over the quotes to see my responses.

Link to the Full Presentation